AEG - SteamBake - Oven

Posted on: 3rd June 2020

AEG - BES355010M SteamBake - Oven


In addition to all your standard oven functions, the PlusSteam button in this SteamBake oven adds steam at the beginning of the baking process. The steam cooking keeps the dough moist on the surface to create a golden color and tasty crust, while the heart stays soft and tender. In addition to baking crispy and tasty breads, muffins and pies - your roasted chicken, grilled spare ribs and lasagna will get equally delicious and even cooking results.

With this oven, using energy efficiently also means cooking efficiently. It has a new convection system called Hot Air, which ensures hot air circulates evenly throughout the oven cavity. The result is that the oven heats up faster and cooking temperatures can be reduced by up to 20%, saving you both time and energy

The additional heating ring in our oven ensures your dishes are evenly cooked – even when loaded with up to three trays – for corner to corner deliciousness. Sure to make each portion as perfect as the last.

The timer display provides an at-a-glance overview of the status of your dish. Its clear screen enables you to set an alarm, check directly on the time remaining before your dish is ready and to adjust the timer with accuracy and precision.

The anti-fingerprint coating on the metal finish prevents ugly, greasy fingerprints from marking the surface. As a result, your appliance will look perfectly clean all the time.

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